The Secret to NBA Expert Betting Picks?- By: Chris Robertsen

Description : If you've wondered how the expert handicappers come up with their NBA expert betting picks, you're not alone. While every expert has his or her own method of determining their winning picks, the single key ingredient in making winning sports predictions, whether they're NBA expert betting picks, NFL betting picks or even NCAA football betting predictions, is knowledge and information. Experts do more than watch the games. They cultivate inside news sources and compile everything they know to form predictions about which teams will win which games and by how many points. Some of them are so good that it's almost uncanny. Here's a quick look at just some of the sources that NBA expert betting picks might take into account.

Historical Records

A win or a loss is based on many factors, and some of these factors are found in team and player records. Do the Bobcats always go for the gold in front of a home crowd? Are the scores historically low when two particular teams go up against each other? Are the Pacers 2 for 6 against the team in this week's matchup? Those are the nuggets of data that an NBA expert has at his fingertips and that play into his predictions. Some handicappers may not even consciously realize all of the historical data they draw on when they make a prediction - but the ones who really know their stuff are the ones who habitually make the best NBA expert betting picks.

Current Performance

The most obvious part of making sports betting predictions is assessing how the teams stack up against each other in terms of current performance. Some of it is straightforward. After all, you can figure that the last place team is probably not going to fare well when they meet the first place team. When the teams are closer in ability and record, though, it takes talent to figure out which one has the advantage. Even when the matchups are completely uneven, determining the odds on the spread can be tricky. That's when NBA expert betting picks can come in handy when deciding where to put your money.

Current News and Insider Information

Making NBA expert betting picks - as well as NFL betting picks or NCAA college football predictions - is an art. The experts most likely to come up with consistent winning predictions are those who have their feelers out for any information that can impact the outcome of a game. They'll watch game replays to find weaknesses, scour injury reports to discover chinks in a team's armor - even follow the gossip columns for any hint of personal trouble for a player that may affect his game.

These are some of the factors that go into coming up with NBA expert betting tips, but they don't take everything into account. As you can see, while making expert predictions isn't rocket science, it does require skill. That's why it makes sense to rely on NBA expert betting picks to help you decide where to put your money on the line in the upcoming weeks.

Article Source :

Author Resource : Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the world's MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web.

Learn more about NBA Expert Betting Picks